Colors with green eyes

You are rare!

Green eyes are very rare, only 2% of the world's population has green eyes. Green eyes are often seen as attractive. What makes a green eye color so special? Green-eyed people possess the inner strength of blue eyes and the leadership of brown eyes.

Because green eyes are so rare, it's best to give them an extra noticeable boost. I would like to tell you how you can make your green eyes shine even more!

Purple striking, but very beautiful

Eyeshadow in the color purple will look great on you. Whatever color purple you choose, this color can't really go wrong. You just have to feel comfortable with it. Just make sure to choose a dominant color and a less striking color to maintain balance. The color purple is a warm color that emphasizes your eyes extra. At Boozyshop we sell various beautiful palettes with purple in them. Just take a look!

Earth tones are beautiful and subtle

Do you think the color purple is a bit too intense? Then you can opt for more neutral colors. By using earth tones you let your eyes speak in a more subtle way. Because earth tones are quite basic, they ensure that your own eye color comes out better.

Let your eyes shine extra

If you want to make your eyes shine extra, red is always the right choice! It's a bold color, yet red is making a comeback.

smokey eyes

To put a nice accent on your green eyes, you can add a not too dark Smokey Eye. You can also add an eyeliner to make your eye color stand out.

If you are curious about even more beautiful eyeshadows, be sure to check out Boozyshop. You can always contact the boozy team in the live chat for personal advice.